Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Our Fourth Grade Year!

What was your favorite part about FOURTH GRADE?

Ryan: I liked the amount of homework we got and the smart board.

William: I liked the smart board.

Zachary: I like the smart board.

Kyle: I liked the projects we did.

Stephen: I liked the field trips we had.

Katie: I liked the Smart board.

Alyssa:I liked the Book Reports.

Cameron: I liked reading Holes with Mrs.Turner.

Laura : I liked playing with the smart board .

Zena: I liked the ice cream party we had if we finished all our multiplication facts.

Sydney: My favorite thing about fourth grade are the field trips.

Joseph:I liked recess.

Ava: I love my teacher. She is awesome and fun!

David: I like our teacher because she is fun and loves math like me!

Tanya: I like science class.

Kourtney: My favorite thing about fourth grade is the awesome book reports!

Andrew: My favorite thing about 4th grade is learning math.

Ashley: My favorite thing about 4th grade is going to all of the awesome Fish Frys!

Michael: My favorite thing about fourth grade is I have a great teacher.

Isabel: My favorite thing about 4th grade is that we can use the Smart Board.

Alexis: My favorite thing about fourth grade is having great friends that help you through the year.

Travis: My favorite thing about 4th grade is going to fun field trips.

Sarah: My favorite thing about fourth grade is all of the parties.

Pedro: My favorite thing about 4th grade is Gym Class!!

Beth: I love my teacher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

John: I like science class. :)

It's been an AWESOME year!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Great Lakes Education Cruise

We took a trip on the Detroit River yesterday. What did you learn?
Stephen: I learned how to do the strongest knot in the world.
Patrick: I learned how to tie different knots and I learned some symmetry.
Angelina: I learned about different types of water bugs like leeches.
Katie: I learned the different sides of a boat.
Ryan: I learned that there are a lot of plankton in water.
Laura: I learned that there are true red worms and they live on the bottom of the lake.
William: I learned how to tie a bowline knot.

Tyler: I learned that there two types of plankton.

Alyssa: I learned that the bottom of the lake has a lot of different fish.

Zena: I learned that there are a lot of tiny little creatures and shells in the ocean.

Joe: I learned the different types of algae.

Ava: I learned what the back, front, right side, and the left side of the boat are called.

Michael: I learned how to use navigation maps.

Kourtney: I leaned how to use different knots at certain times.

Sarah: I learned to tie a bowline knot.

Beth: I leaned that there are different types of plankton like the animal plankton and the plant plankton.

Travis: I learned how to tie a bowline knot.

Andrew: I learned that not all plankton looks green.

Cameron: I learned how to tie different knots.

Sydney: I learned what kinds of plankton there are.

Kyle: I learned how to tie knots.

Tanya: I learned about plankton that live in the water.

David: I learned that 90% of the wetlands in the Great Lakes have been destroyed.

Ashley: I learned that the oil spill is killing most of our Great Lakes.

Alexis: I learned that there can be very small fish in the ocean that we didn't know about.

Zachary: I learned about the fox snake and the snapping turtle.

Pedro: I learned that there are very small fish in the Great Lakes.

It was a great trip!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers Day

Yesterday was Mothers Day...

What is special about your mom?

William: The special thing about my mom is she makes really good food.
Katie: The special thing about my mom is she loves and cares for me.
Alexis: The special thing about my mom is she helps me when I'm sick.
Kyle: The special thing about my mom is she helps me with homework.
Ryan: The special thing about my mom is that she is a good cook.
Sydney: The special thing about my mom is that she loves me.
Cameron: The special thing about my mom is that she puts gel in my hair.
Stephen: The special thing about my mom is that she gives me food and loves me.
Patrick: The special thing about my mom is she is very nice and she is also very good at cooking .
Tyler : The special thing about my mom is that she loves me very me very much !
Ashley: The special thing about my mom is she let Miley have puppies.
Alyssa: The special thing about my mom is she takes me to get casts on.
Laura: The special thing about my mom is she cooks and cares for me .
Zachary:The special thing about my mom is she loves me!
Zena: The special thing about my mom is she helps me with my homework and tells me what's right and wrong.
Angelina: The special thing about my mom is she can make anyone laugh.
John: The special thing about my mom is that she loves kids.
Ava: The special thing about my mom is she is very caring and loving!
Joe: The special thing about my mom is that she helps me with my homework.
Andrew: The best thing about my mom is she loves me and will always be there for me.
Kourtney: The best thing about my mom is that she gives me kisses and hugs and cooks my favorite foods.
Michael: The best thing about my mom is that she cooks me excellent foods.
Isabel: The best thing about my Mom is that she is also my friend.
Travis: The special thing about my mom is that she takes care of me and makes my favorite foods.
Beth: I love her and she loves me. She gives me food. She takes care of me when I`m sick and when she is sick I make her soup.
Sarah:My mom loves me and cares for me.
Tanya: My mom loves me and gives me stuff.
David: My Mom loves me.
Pedro: She cares for my when I'm sick. She helps me with homework and she also loves me!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Welcome Back!

What did you do during Easter vacation?

Alexis-I went to my Grandma`s house and had a egg hunt with six eggs. We were only allowed to find two because they each had fifty dollars in them. So I got one-hundred dollars.

Katie: I went to my cottage for the week with my friends. Then on Saturday I spent the night at my cousins house. On Sunday I went to my brother's baseball game and they won.

Patrick: I went to the Frozen Four hockey game with my cousins on Saturday and I spent the night at my friends house twice.

Michael: I went to Miami to see my cousins and I went to the Florida Keys and went swimming.

Zachary: I saved 4 baby squirrels and took them to a forest.

Zena: My cousins came over and we played outside. We had an Easter party and all my cousins and friends came over.

Alyssa: I went to New York and played with my friends. I got my cast off and did homework.

David: I went to the NCAA Frozen Four hockey tournement.

Tyler : I got bunnies from my grandma.

Ryan: Iwent to Kalahari with my grandma and grandpa.

Sarah: I went to Kourtney's house.

Ava:I spent the night at Angelina's house and I had a good time!

Angelina: My grandpa turned 74 and Ava came over!

Pedro: I went to my cousin's house. I went outside and played. I had a good Easter vacation.

Kyle: I went to Kalahari in Ohio for 2 days.

Beth: My Easter basket was hidden in Gabby's room ( my little sister) under her night stand.

Kourtney:I went to Pennsylvania for Easter. We played so much I was so tired every night. I had a great Easter.

Tanya: My aunt and grandma came over and we had an Easter party

Laura: I went to relatives' houses. I went to a baby shower and hunted for Easter eggs.

John:I Went to Blockbuster and got the Simpson's movie. I watched it two times.

Travis:I went to Florida. I got to go swimming and went to Disney World.

Andrew:I went to an Easter egg hunt and got the most candy on record!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

We Built a HOUSE!

Check out the house we built on our field trip to the Henry Ford Museum! We had to use our Math, Social Studies, Science, English and, most importantly, TEAMWORK skills to finish the project. It was even big enough for us all to fit inside!

We'll be back after Easter vacation to tell you everything we learned!

Happy Easter!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hey it's Wednesday!

Hey it's Ashley and Pedro!

We are about to go to Science class and since we need colored pencils or crayons, I bet we're going to have a lot of fun.

Next Wednesday we are going on a field trip to the Henry Ford Museum to build a house. We will have a blast! We just finished Religion and we are packing up to go home because it is the end of the day.

We are now reading, "The Lion and the Witch and the Wardrobe." It's a nice day so we went outside for recess today and we might be going outside tomorrow too!


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Just Tuesday...

This is Alyssa and Sarah!

Today, we had Computers. We did our spelling pretest. We got to have caramel corn with snack from William. He did his state report on Illinois today. At recess we played, "Duck, Duck, Goose." We had a mad minute in Math today. In Gym we played a soccer game. We had Science and it was fun! In Math we learned solids and made some nets of solid figures. In English we learned about clauses and phrases.