Thursday, April 1, 2010

We Built a HOUSE!

Check out the house we built on our field trip to the Henry Ford Museum! We had to use our Math, Social Studies, Science, English and, most importantly, TEAMWORK skills to finish the project. It was even big enough for us all to fit inside!

We'll be back after Easter vacation to tell you everything we learned!

Happy Easter!


  1. Hey--what a cool house :D

    Happy Easter!!

    #14--who am I????????

  2. WOW!!!! Thats a great house, although I helped. It looks great. My little sister Linda is sick and she isn't really getting better. Please pray for her.

    If my sister is Linda, who am I????

  3. HI.Like I said a million times already.... cool blog. Building the house was fun. I was on the red team and was a screw caption.I got a nome for easter! How cool! I always wanted one. Anyways, I said enough so bye!
    From: Luppino
