Monday, April 12, 2010

Welcome Back!

What did you do during Easter vacation?

Alexis-I went to my Grandma`s house and had a egg hunt with six eggs. We were only allowed to find two because they each had fifty dollars in them. So I got one-hundred dollars.

Katie: I went to my cottage for the week with my friends. Then on Saturday I spent the night at my cousins house. On Sunday I went to my brother's baseball game and they won.

Patrick: I went to the Frozen Four hockey game with my cousins on Saturday and I spent the night at my friends house twice.

Michael: I went to Miami to see my cousins and I went to the Florida Keys and went swimming.

Zachary: I saved 4 baby squirrels and took them to a forest.

Zena: My cousins came over and we played outside. We had an Easter party and all my cousins and friends came over.

Alyssa: I went to New York and played with my friends. I got my cast off and did homework.

David: I went to the NCAA Frozen Four hockey tournement.

Tyler : I got bunnies from my grandma.

Ryan: Iwent to Kalahari with my grandma and grandpa.

Sarah: I went to Kourtney's house.

Ava:I spent the night at Angelina's house and I had a good time!

Angelina: My grandpa turned 74 and Ava came over!

Pedro: I went to my cousin's house. I went outside and played. I had a good Easter vacation.

Kyle: I went to Kalahari in Ohio for 2 days.

Beth: My Easter basket was hidden in Gabby's room ( my little sister) under her night stand.

Kourtney:I went to Pennsylvania for Easter. We played so much I was so tired every night. I had a great Easter.

Tanya: My aunt and grandma came over and we had an Easter party

Laura: I went to relatives' houses. I went to a baby shower and hunted for Easter eggs.

John:I Went to Blockbuster and got the Simpson's movie. I watched it two times.

Travis:I went to Florida. I got to go swimming and went to Disney World.

Andrew:I went to an Easter egg hunt and got the most candy on record!

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