Monday, March 15, 2010

Our Weekend...

What did you do this weekend?

Alexis- I rode my scooter to the market with my friend and we came back with three packs of bubblegum.

David- I went to the Red Wings Game on Saturday and they won 3-2 in OT ( Over Time).

Travis- I went to Ryan's house and played there.

Patrick-I went to my friend's house and I spent the night.

William-I got freshwater shrimp for my fish tank.

Alyssa- I went to a party and stayed up until 1 o clock.
Isabel- I went to Kourtney's house and spent the night.

Angelina- I had a party , stayed up late , and won money.

Michael- I worked on my State-in-a-Box project and had a birthday party for my sitter.

Laura -I went to Rainforest Cafe on Saturday and celebrated my sister Rachel's birthday on Sunday.

Zena-I went to play outside and we said, "Happy birthday!" to someone in Lebanon.

Ryan- I went to my cousin's baptism party.

Ava-I spent the night at Syd's house on Saturday!

Sarah-I went to Laura's house for Rachel's b-day!

Tyler-I saved 16 worms. My aunt and uncle came over and I was sick. So on Sunday I stayed in
and watched the History Channel. (By the way did you know John Hancock was a smuggler?)
Ashley: I went Up North with my cousins and learned how to ski ! At first it was hard and now its so easy! I went to Avalanche Bay and went down a ride called the "Toilet Bowl. " It was awesome! On the ramps for skiing I went airborn and flew. It was fun!

Stephen: I watched a movie called "Where the Wild Things Are" with my family.
Joseph: I was sick and had to lay down and take a nap.

Katie: It was raining so I didn't really do anything. I did see the movie "UP" for the first time. I really liked it.

Pedro: I played baseball and soccer on Friday. On Saturday I went outside even though it was raining. On Sunday I watched TV and played videogames.

Sydney: I had Ava spend the night. I saw the movie "Avatar." It was really good and I liked it a lot.
Kyle: On Saturday I couldn't do any thing because it was raining so I a watched TV. Sunday I played with my friends then I watched a basketball game on TV and than my brother got a haircut.
Kourtney: On Saturday I went to my sister's soccer game and it was boring! On Sunday I went to Church. After we went home and watched TV.
John: This weekend I went to Applebees and I saw Father Brad!
It was a busy weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like we had some fun weekends. I really enjoyed mine.

