Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Our Wacky-Wednesday!

What's up? It's Kourtney and Tanya.

Today we did 3 tests: Religion, Math, and English.

We started a new chapter in Math. In Reading we read a story called, "The Race to the North Pole." We had choir practice and Music.

In Religion, we started a new chapter about the Sacraments of Healing.

It was so nice outside that we just had to go outside for recess!


  1. Cool, did you guys have fun??? I hope you did!

    From a girl with a loud voice and Blond hair!

  2. I always like learning about sacraments in religion.

    Clue: I did a commet before.
    Clue: I am a male.
    Who am I?

  3. Cool blog! I like everything on here! I've never blogged on here before and it's cool!

