Monday, March 1, 2010

The Olympics!

The Olympics ended yesterday. What was your favorite part?

Isabel: I think my favorite part about the Olympics would be... that there is a separate Olympics for summer and winter has its own, too.

Patrick: I liked when USA faced Canada in the gold medal game in hockey.

William:I liked when USA tied the hockey game against Canada and went into overtime.

Kourtney: I liked the bobsledding because it looks really fun to try to zoom down the racing line very fast.

Michael: I like the skiing because they go very fast and try to hit the red and blue poles.

Kyle: I liked when Canada faced USA in the hockey game.

Alexis: I liked the bobsledding because it looks very fun.

Laura: I like skiing because they did cool tricks.

Tanya: I liked the snowboarding because people did cool tricks in the air.

Andrew: I liked the bobsledding because it looks like so much fun to go down that fast.

Beth: I liked the partner figure skating because people from the U.S.A. did a very cool trick. A girl flipped over a boys back and landed on his leg, and everyone went, "WOW!"

Sydney: I liked to watch Apollo Ono because he tried really hard to get the gold medal.

Alyssa: I liked to watch skiing because you can see the stuff they do.

Katie:I liked the skiing, because they go so fast.

Ryan:I liked the hockey game because it was U.S.A vs. Canada.

Zachary:I liked when THE U.S.A wins medals.

Pedro: I liked the hockey game, when U.S.A. vs. Canada.

AVA: I like the speed skating. They go fast and they switch lanes so its the same amount of track.

David: I liked watching Apollo Ono win medals.

Travis: I liked watching Shaun White snowboarding because I liked all his tricks.

John : I like to watch them all go very fast!

Joe:I like to watch snowboarders do tricks.

Angelina: I like watching the people ski because I like to ski but I go slow so comparing them to me is cool.

Cameron:I like cross country skiing because I think it is cool.

Ashley:I like that the USA won the medal race because I really like to watch the Olympic Winter Games.

Stephen: I liked the speed skating because they went fast.

Sarah: I liked ice dancing because the dancing was exciting.

Tyler: I liked the Olympics because we have the most medals and because some of the games were so close.

Zena: I liked the speed skating and the snowboarding because it seemed challenging and I just like to watch them snowboarding.

We can't wait for the next Winter Olympics in four years!

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