Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Great Lakes Education Cruise

We took a trip on the Detroit River yesterday. What did you learn?
Stephen: I learned how to do the strongest knot in the world.
Patrick: I learned how to tie different knots and I learned some symmetry.
Angelina: I learned about different types of water bugs like leeches.
Katie: I learned the different sides of a boat.
Ryan: I learned that there are a lot of plankton in water.
Laura: I learned that there are true red worms and they live on the bottom of the lake.
William: I learned how to tie a bowline knot.

Tyler: I learned that there two types of plankton.

Alyssa: I learned that the bottom of the lake has a lot of different fish.

Zena: I learned that there are a lot of tiny little creatures and shells in the ocean.

Joe: I learned the different types of algae.

Ava: I learned what the back, front, right side, and the left side of the boat are called.

Michael: I learned how to use navigation maps.

Kourtney: I leaned how to use different knots at certain times.

Sarah: I learned to tie a bowline knot.

Beth: I leaned that there are different types of plankton like the animal plankton and the plant plankton.

Travis: I learned how to tie a bowline knot.

Andrew: I learned that not all plankton looks green.

Cameron: I learned how to tie different knots.

Sydney: I learned what kinds of plankton there are.

Kyle: I learned how to tie knots.

Tanya: I learned about plankton that live in the water.

David: I learned that 90% of the wetlands in the Great Lakes have been destroyed.

Ashley: I learned that the oil spill is killing most of our Great Lakes.

Alexis: I learned that there can be very small fish in the ocean that we didn't know about.

Zachary: I learned about the fox snake and the snapping turtle.

Pedro: I learned that there are very small fish in the Great Lakes.

It was a great trip!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers Day

Yesterday was Mothers Day...

What is special about your mom?

William: The special thing about my mom is she makes really good food.
Katie: The special thing about my mom is she loves and cares for me.
Alexis: The special thing about my mom is she helps me when I'm sick.
Kyle: The special thing about my mom is she helps me with homework.
Ryan: The special thing about my mom is that she is a good cook.
Sydney: The special thing about my mom is that she loves me.
Cameron: The special thing about my mom is that she puts gel in my hair.
Stephen: The special thing about my mom is that she gives me food and loves me.
Patrick: The special thing about my mom is she is very nice and she is also very good at cooking .
Tyler : The special thing about my mom is that she loves me very me very much !
Ashley: The special thing about my mom is she let Miley have puppies.
Alyssa: The special thing about my mom is she takes me to get casts on.
Laura: The special thing about my mom is she cooks and cares for me .
Zachary:The special thing about my mom is she loves me!
Zena: The special thing about my mom is she helps me with my homework and tells me what's right and wrong.
Angelina: The special thing about my mom is she can make anyone laugh.
John: The special thing about my mom is that she loves kids.
Ava: The special thing about my mom is she is very caring and loving!
Joe: The special thing about my mom is that she helps me with my homework.
Andrew: The best thing about my mom is she loves me and will always be there for me.
Kourtney: The best thing about my mom is that she gives me kisses and hugs and cooks my favorite foods.
Michael: The best thing about my mom is that she cooks me excellent foods.
Isabel: The best thing about my Mom is that she is also my friend.
Travis: The special thing about my mom is that she takes care of me and makes my favorite foods.
Beth: I love her and she loves me. She gives me food. She takes care of me when I`m sick and when she is sick I make her soup.
Sarah:My mom loves me and cares for me.
Tanya: My mom loves me and gives me stuff.
David: My Mom loves me.
Pedro: She cares for my when I'm sick. She helps me with homework and she also loves me!